CTTA Triathletes Selected for TRI Worlds
Congratulations to the following athletes who were selected to represent South Africa at the ITU Triathlon World Championships , to be held in September 2019.
Olympic Distance:
Female 20-24: Cristina HEYWOOD, Georgia GROBLER, Kelsey NEL and Nicole WALDECK Female 30-34: Leigh BEHR Female 55-59: Elizma GELDENHUYS and Jennifer O'HANLON Male 25-29: Matthew LEPPAN Male 30-34: Marthinus KEMP Male 40-44: Crispin BARRETT Male 45-49: Gregory BECKER Male 50-54: Paul INGPEN
Sprint Distance:
Female 20-24: Robin BOLTEN Male 20-24: David SHER Male 35-39: Serge WITKOWSKY Male 40-44: Kobus MEYER and Michael HAYES Male 60-64: Carl MAY